Aging A Creative Renaissance-Podcast 199

The first challenge boomers must overcome in American Society is the negative all pervasive attitudes about aging.
Michael Gelb in his book “Brain Power” pioneers the concept that the brain becomes more resilient with age. Memory can be twice that of a younger person. The brain, if nurtured with good diet, drinking increased amounts of water, a daily exercise program, and a positive mental attitude, with hearty daily laughter and mirth, will constantly regenerate. It will not wear down, contrary to the 1950s research which suggested that is neural brain cells died, none that would be replaced.
“Brain Power” opens entirely new possibilities for any aging population.
Our friend Herb McCollom writes plays and will be doing a reading of one of his plays on my Google Hangout July 10! He is 84 years young!
This is what today’s Podcast is about!
One Response to “Aging A Creative Renaissance-Podcast 199”
Sounds like a n interesting project, Herb’s a very inspirational fellow. Glad he’ll be on your google hang out It is amazing to see and feel how people react as you age. Often unflattering as to ones ability.
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