Mind Control-Podcast 222

Prayer practice and every other other spiritual practice, propels you into a higher vibrational field. Consequently, you become less in a state of denial about where you need to be in this world today. You are better able to own up to what it is you are here to do in this world.

Denial no longer is an option.

If you’re being bullied or abused, you can see it immediately for what it is. If there are alcoholics in your life, codependency is no longer an option.

I have been a nurse for 30 years. The problem with the nursing profession is what I call unconscious, unquestioned codependency.

Because I intend to continue practicing nursing, I will call it whenever I see it.

What are the unquestioned conditions that surround you today?

The deeper you get into a prayer practice, it’ll be easier to just walk away.

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