Prayer: Universal Language-Podcast 229

Prayer is a language that if expressed by more and more people, not as a consequence of any one religion, but of all religions and spiritual traditions, here is what will happen: The whole Universe will respond.

The whole Universe will heal.

Neither man or woman can fix what is wrong or what is right. The natural progression of healing requires that we get out of the way. This is where Prayer can do the fixing through the language of Love.

We all need to start thinking as if in prayerful contemplation. As we learn to pray almost as second nature, the Angels will lead the way. The Angels will iron out the wrinkles, smooth and sooth and clear the toxicity that only the unseen worlds are capable of doing.

Prayer is the language that helps us face the truth that All That Is is in control. The sooner we accept this, the greater will be our liberation.

4 Responses to “Prayer: Universal Language-Podcast 229”

  1. lara

    This is a great post, love the idea of healing through prayer, whatever prayer means to each person. I don’t believe you have to be religous to believe in the power of prayer and many find wonderful strength in this.
    Thank you for sharing x

  2. kateloving

    Thank you, Lara–Prayer opens our heart in Love, I believe that’s why and how it works.

  3. Sydney Kissinger

    Prayer works miracles and calms our nerves. Very healing and useful. I enjoy having a prayer team with my choir. An awesome benefit to years of singing African American Gospel Music!!

  4. Samantha West

    Prayer is an everyday miracle of connection to Spirit. Love your comments about getting out of the way so neccary for prayer. Great reminder

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