The Church Within- Podcast 203

Today’s Podcast is a summary of recent inner and outer events. Mostly inner.
Last night’s radio show can be accessed on yesterday’s blog post. The show was a conversation Paul M. Lewis and I had about his recently published book called After The Devastation. We discussed the characters in his book and how he originally met them in a dream.
I wonder if these characters are Paul’s Higher Guides? Guardian Angels? His internal guidance system?
If so, this is a new way to look at characters in a fiction book. Paul, if you are reading this, you could start blogging about your book, the ideas you present and the characters who could be our guardian spirits, too.
Please do share them with us!
I digress. Today’s podcast is my free floating odyssey into the world of spirit.
Planet Earth #1 Priority

These are the questions asked of Paul M Lewis, about his book, After The Devastation.
1) Your book After The Devastation, is a fiction/ science fiction book, but it paints a picture of likely scenarios if humans can’t respect Planet Earth, change our lives, get off the grid. What inspired you to write the book?
2) The climate deniers have recently been stopped in their tracks by Pope Francis stand on climate change, in the form of the church’s highest communication, called the Encyclical. Have you read it and what do you think of it?
3) Tell us about your blog, “Two Old Liberals.” Do you write about climate change there, as well?
4) in your book, without giving too much away, your characters develop a high intuitive sense in order to survive. That makes so much sense to me. Your comment?
5) What steps can we take to prevent the mass extinction of human life on planet earth?
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Archangel Uriel-Podcast 190

I am about to discover a new facet of my life in what can only be called- the road less traveled by.
And yes, Archangel Uriel is my guide in this journey. I tell the story in this podcast.
Have you ever felt the ground shift under your feet and you say, “What I’ve always been waiting for is about to be realized?”
I don’t know about you, but I am a late bloomer. And so are many others in my generation.
Today, for instance, I had a conversation with Paul Lewis about his newly published book, “After The Devastation.” Paul is 6 years older than me. We will be discussing his book on June 30, 2015 at 5 PM eastern. Please join us!