Posts Tagged ‘animal medicine’

Dove Medicine- Podcast 265

This morning, as I left my house to walk Pearlie, a flock of Dove, perhaps fifty or more, rose up and flew away. At the time, I was thinking nostalgically about the crickets, and soon the cold weather would take them to the next cycle.

Naturally, there’s nothing more beautiful than autumn. It teaches us to flow with change and Beauty. 

By staying in the present moment, we can fully appreciate everything life so graciously gives without expectation of return. That is how we come to know the true meaning of the Holy Spirit.

Dove signifies the Holy Spirit and purification. Purification is exactly what I cherish for all humans on the planet now. Real purification comes from Love. 

Love Love Love now, no exceptions.

The Dove says:
“Easy does it! Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you.” -Dove

She may be reminding you that in order to soar, you must know when to move your wings and when to allow the wind to take you to new heights. If you were to sit on a branch looking to the sky and hoping the wind will simply pick you up, you would never move.

You must surrender and allow the wind to support your wings. Get moving, and experience the exhilaration of flying higher and higher.

Alternatively, Dove could be letting you know that you need to simply stop and take a few deep breaths. Let go of the turmoil that is currently surrounding you and find peace within you.

Know that what you see right now is reality shifting in ways you never thought possible and that what you are truly looking for is just around the corner.

The most chaos happens just before your dreams come true.

That’s what this podcast is all about.