Morning and Evening Prayer

Dear Creative Intelligence,
The Creator Of Us All,
We direct you to take care of our lives, today.
Because you create an oak seed to become an oak tree,
A blossom into a beautiful Rose,
Our hearts to beat rhythmically without any help from us,
Then we confidentially give our lives over to you,
To do with us as you will,
All in a spirit of Love and Light–
Banish The Blahs And Be Happy, by Joan and Betty

Joan Adams and her sister wrote a book over five years ago
called Banish The Blahs and Be Happy. I will ask
Joan whatever happened to the book, but in the meantime,
here is my interview with both Joan and sister Betty about
how to lift our spirits when we feel we need a lift.
I am proud to say that I wrote a chapter for their book
called: “Thoughts Are Alive!!”
Each chapter gives direction on Banishing The Blahs, lifting
your mood and boosting your spirit! In fact, the act of
reading these chapters immediately rises your mood,
whatever it is
you are experiencing!
I thought I’d make a list of my own personal favorite mood
enhancers to add to the treasure chest:
1) Turn off the Television.
I like to be up on what is happening in the world, but
watching the news is a downer I no longer wish to
participate in. The pundits tell people how to think based
on their own
prejudice, they tell people how to vote, and in essence,
no longer
objectively report the news.
2) Sit in your favorite chair and bask in a sun beam.
3) Meditate with your favorite cat resting on your knee.
4) Seek out periods of silence every day.
5) Concentrate on the Life Force present behind each in
and out breath, all day long. These are private and joyous
three dimensional moments you share only with yourself and
be done no matter what is going on around you.
6) Prevent depression–avoid Crazymakers.
7) Do not participate in gossip or join others when they
are complaining. You will feel much better by avoiding the
8) Start your own blog and write several posts a week. Do
this only if you love to write. This will help you because
you are sharing your talents with the world.
9) Encourage people to comment on your blog. That way an
open discussion ensues and you feel connected to your
10) Sit, walk and sleep with your dogs.
11) Create a “dream board” as Joan describes in her
electronic book called “10 X 10.” This is a free Electronic
Book and you can have it by going here:
12) Amanda Goldston recommends an “Ideal Day Fun Card” in
Joan and Betty’s book. This involves first of all writing
everything you can think of that you would BE, DO, or Have
every day that brings you joy and also is Fun!!
Then you find pictures that represent these things and
paste and laminate these pictures on a 3X5 card and carry
it around
with you.
Everything on this card should make you smile! Touch the
card in your pocket several times a day. The power of this
visualization tool
is evidenced by your dreams and visions manifesting faster
into your
13) Go out at night and gaze into the starry sky. Learn
the constellations and pick them out. Identify the so-
called ecliptic and
recognize the Astrological constellations there: Aries,
Pisces, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo etc.
Star gazing is even more fun with a telescope. Naturally
you will want to do this at a location removed from the
bright lights
of the city.
14) Figure out when a lunar eclipse is going to happen.
Then make sure you are available to in-joy it. This
celestial event is
soothing, calming and meditative. My husband and
I recently watched an eclipse together and we agreed that
that this was wonderful quality time.
Time slowed down, we held hands, and watched the moon in
all of her phases until she was dark, except for a faint
outline of the
moon’s circumference.
I read that this particular eclipse saved Christopher
Columbus and his
crew so many moons ago.
He read in his Almanac that an eclipse was going to occur
the following night. He and his crew were held captive by
the Indians who
threatened to kill them.
Columbus said: The moon will disappear then will return
because you allowed us to live.
And the rest is his-story.
15) Stroke your dog and/or cat and kiss them. Throw balls
for your dog. Massage her back.
Clip her nails. Brush her coat. Watch for the look of
gratitude which beams from her joyful face.
16) Learn to fully embrace life. Allow resistance to What
Is to simply melt away. Be in the moment where you find
yourself. Allow that
moment to expand and realize that this is the only moment,
not a series of
moments on a linear time belt.
It all is right Now. Learn to experience this and allow it
to grow.
Aging Is Ageless, If You Believe It Is

Aging As A Creative Renaissance is awesome. Herb McCollom Jr and I do a reading of a play he is working on, called “Five Nights At Hunger and Thirst.”
I tried to edit the first video, and it didn’t work. So stop it around 7 minutes and 38 seconds, and go on to the second.
It’s fun but technology, as usual, is funky. One of these days, I will conquer it!
Daily Gratitudes

Today, I am so happy and grateful for the new water system in our house! I recommend Martin’s Appliance in Quarryville to everyone reading this!
I am so happy and grateful for the full tilt boogie preparations for winter, this year! Today, we intend to renovate our bathroom, and paint it!
I am so happy and grateful for the efficient wood stove being delivered to our basement next week! Warmth and cozy is the theme for this coming cold weather!
I am so happy and grateful for THRIVE which has given Tomaso and I new found optimism and energy! I am drinking my shake, now, as I write these words!
I am so happy and grateful for this beautiful Autumn and the fact frost is on the way!
I am so happy and grateful for my dog Pearlie and my cat, TS Elliot! They are healing catalysts in my life!
And special thanks to Tomaso, who is coming alive with THRIVE!
What are your gratitudes, today?
Trail Mix & Goon

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, The Nursing Career Transformation Roundtable Launched Yesterday. My husband Tomaso and I are launching another Hanginar series on 10/27/14. We will interview Spencer Johnson, author of Trail Mix & Goon. Spencer is in his early 20s and this is his first Memoir.
The Memoir has a feel between a travelogue and a Jack Kerouac psychic free mind kind of flow. I am enjoying the read.
Spencer is passionate about solving the climate crisis. His book chronicles his travels in Australia in 2012 when he studied climate change there as part of his college curriculum.
Spencer wants to work with Bill McKibben and has met and spoken to him several times. is at the heart of the work being done to reverse climate change on planet earth. The science has been done and explains why we are in a climate crisis.
Apartheid in South Africa ended when big business divested from those corporations that supported Apartheid. Dependence on big oil can be obliterated overnight when companies divest from oil stocks.
We will discuss these topics and much much more on Mondays Hanginar.
Gratitude For Spiritual Philanthropy

This month is the 4 year anniversary of the Prayer Blog. The 365 day Prayer Blogging Challenge began as an experiment and turned into a multi-dimensional never-ending project.
It is frankly amazing that this journey continues.
I remember thinking that prayers are a universal language, not to be co-opted by any religion. Yet Christianity would have you believe that prayers are strictly in the domain of a belief in accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
I never knew what that meant, and still don’t. What I do know is that the Gospel of Jesus is Love. Prayer is Love. And that falls into every spiritual philosophy on the planet.
I am calling this spiritual philosophy, Spiritual Philanthropy, the Gospel of Jesus, The Gospel Of Love.
Om Peace Amen
Kate says: “I love having meaningful conversations with people about their love of life and what it means in relation to prayer and eradicating the fear of death. It makes me crazy how American society sweeps death away and no one speaks about it. This is why I’ve created the “Uprooting Our Fear Of Death: Bringing IT Out Of The Closet” webinar series, as well as “The Prayer Prescription iSeries,” and will be doing Teleseminars on these subjects in 2014.” Kate Loving Shenk, RN BSN
Join my community to learn what is next, created just for you!
Sign Up HERE!
Quotes From The Secret DVD Part 3

76) Have only the healthiest respect for yourself.
77) For those you work with or interact with regularly — get a notebook and
write down positive aspects of each of those people.
78) Write down the things you like most about the people in (77) without
expecting them to change. Law of Attraction will not put you in the same space
together if your frequencies don’t match.
79) When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be
different in order for you to feel good.
80) You will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to
control the world, your friends, your mate, your children.
81) YOU ARE the only one that creates your reality.
82) No one else can think or feel for you. It’s YOU!! ONLY YOU!!
83) Health: Thank the Universe for your own healing. LAUGH: Stress-free
happiness will keep you healthy.
84) The Immune System Will Heal Itself!
85) Parts of our bodies are replaced every day, every week, etc. — within a few
years we have a brand new body.
86) See yourself living in a new body. Be hopeful = Recovery. Be Happy =
Happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the body.
87) Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal
88) Learn to become still. Take your attention away from what you don’t want,
and place your attention on what you wish to experience.
89) When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound, and are
clearer than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.
90) You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are
here to create the world around you to be aligned with your highest destiny.
91) Choose the world of your own creation, and allow the world as others choose
to see it, exist as well.
92) People think that if everyone knows the power of the Law of Attraction (LOA)
there won’t be enough to go around. This is a lie that’s been ingrained in us and
creates greed.
93) The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy and
happiness to go around.
94) All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of its own
infinite nature. There’s enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. It will show up for
95) So, let the variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you
want. Get behind the good feelings of all your wants.
96) Write your script. When you see things you don’t want, don’t think about
them, write about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that
focus on the “don’t wants”. Remove your attention from “don’t wants”. Place your
attention on your “do wants”.
97) We are masses of energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING!!
98) Don’t define yourself by your body. Define yourself by the infinite spirit that’s
connected to everything in the Universe.
99) Our bodies distract us from Source Energy. There’s only one Energy. We are
the infinite field of unfolding possibilities, called the Creative Force.
100) Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not, NOW is the time to change them.
You can begin right where you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment
and what you focus your attention on.
Kate Loving Shenk is the author of The Prayer Prescription Series. Her next book in the series is: Prayer Prescriptions: Spiritual Remedies For Long Lasting Health. Please get your free book on Self Healing, by signing in at the top right of this website! Thank you!