My Father’s Desk

The restructuring of space, as in de-cluttering or reorganizing, gives time an added dimension. “Linear time” is flat and non-dimensional whereas the space here and now as I write these words feels like deja vu. I remember feeling this way in a third floor room where I grew up in Lancaster, PA, about 2 1/2 miles from where I sit, now.
I am sitting at my father’s desk. This must be why I have that familiar feeling of my childhood home. And I rarely hangout here, but will be doing most of my work here from now on.
While cleaning out books on the third floor, I found a rare, out of print copy of Kazantzakis Saint Francis, the book Wayne Dyer recommends in his spiritual classic, There Is A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem.
It feels like a gift in Real Time from the spirit of my mother.
And every other mother I ever had.
The saints transcend religion. They vibrate on a scale that knows no birth or death. They simply are always in the here and now.
I am reading The Love Never Ends by Sunny Dawn Johnston. She is a psychic medium. The book was published by New World Library and there is a 99 cent kindle sale going on. I shared the link yesterday where all these books can be found.
Here it is again!