Posts Tagged ‘author Kate Loving’s PRAYER Podcast’

Aging A Creative Renaissance-Podcast 199

The first challenge boomers must overcome in American Society is the negative all pervasive attitudes about aging. 

Michael Gelb in his book “Brain Power” pioneers the concept that the brain becomes more resilient with age. Memory can be twice that of a younger person. The brain, if nurtured with good diet, drinking increased amounts of water, a daily exercise program, and a positive mental attitude, with hearty daily laughter and mirth, will constantly regenerate. It will not wear down, contrary to the 1950s research which suggested that is neural brain cells died, none that would be replaced.

“Brain Power” opens entirely new possibilities for any aging population. 
Our friend Herb McCollom writes plays and will be doing a reading of one of his plays on my Google Hangout July 10!  He is 84 years young!
This is what today’s Podcast is about!


14 Spiritual Remedies- Podcast 198

I am resurrecting my book, Prayer Prescriptions: 14 Spiritual Remedies For Long Lasting Health.

It was edited thoroughly yet I found several typos, even so. And I want to make it evergreen and current.

What are the 14 Spiritual Remedies for long lasting health?

Firstly, get a dog. When I interviewed Bernie Siegel, he said he can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a dog or cat. 

Secondly, all of life is Prayer- and all Prayer is Tantra. In fact, everything is Tantra. Everything in life is therapy, as Marc Allen said the other night on my radio show.

Thirdly, hang out with trees everyday. What are the old trees telling you?

What are your dogs and cats telling you?

It is a revelation to read my book, again. The time is ripe for publication.


Tantra Of Everything-Podcast 196

I just had a wonderful conversation with Marc Allen on my Radio show about his new book, Tantra For The West. We had a great few laughs, too! I love his “tantric” approach to live, the I love you no matter what God and not the one false step God.

This means everything, to me. I am not into the punitive, competitive styles of living I see all around me, these days. Whenever I see it, I know I’ve come to the wrong side of the street.

Crossing over to the other side yields my greatest liberation.

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Kate Loving Shenk on BlogTalkRadio


Tantra For Everyone–Podcast 195

Kate's bannerSpirit shapes matter, matter does not shape spirit.
Tantra For The West, Mark Allen’s new book, shows us that no matter where we are in life, when we focus on the spiritual, we could change our circumstances, miraculously. 
That’s what today’s podcast is about.
Marc Allen is Kate’s guest on Kate Loving and the Collective Wisdom 6/23 at 5 PM Eastern.


Gay Pride- Podcast 194

Today’s podcast describes our adventure going to the Gay Pride event in my hometown. It’s kind of a free flight thought pattern, but I had a great day!

I was somewhat taken aback by the heavy police presence there. I believe recent events like the Charleston SC Church Racial Terrorist murders is prompting so much over zealousness, yet the times call for it.

I keep praying for peace on earth.

Today’s Vine is Pearlie at Gay Pride Lancaster PA 2 years ago!


Pope Francis- Podcast 192

The Pope is weighing in on climate change tomorrow. He is on the right side of the issue and those of us who agree with his position are more than excited about this speech.

As a matter of fact, Pope Francis is about to change the world with the speech he is about to give.
I have heard people say that they will now rejoin the church, the Roman Catholic Church, because of Pope Francis.
I am sure that after tomorrow, there will be more people than not who will fulfill that destiny.
What about you? The Pope is a dignitary whom I respect now more than ever. What an awesome human being. Or is he a Saint, already?


Thy Will Be Done – Podcast 191

The art of letting go is what this podcast is all about. Yet it is a missing link in the chain that often breaks when we hold on too tightly. We want the universe to comply with our wishes. We think we know better than God, Goddess, universal intelligence etc.

But we don’t know better. 
It is in the surrender where all the g(o)od stuff happens!


Free Orca Lolita – Podcast 189

Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster PA was acquired by Palace Entertainment in 2010. Today, I joined a protest about the cruel manner in which whales are treated. Palace Entertainment has Lolita in a small containment vessel in Miami Florida and she has lived there for the past 40 years.

The Orca named Tilicum is another tragic example of cruelty to Orca. He is nothing more than an Orca breeder at Sea World, and he will kill any human who gets in his way. Makes sense.

Today, I got to interview Hannah Hentz, who is passionate about the “Empty The Cages” movement after doing a paper at college on whales. 

Go Hannah!!


The Archangels- Podcast 188

Who are the archangels?

1) Archangel Michael

2) Archangel Jophiel

3) Archangel Chamuel

4) Archangel Gabriel

5) Archangel Raphael

6) Archangel Uriel

7) Archangel Zadkiel
Today’s Podcast explains each one. Thanks to author Sunny Dawn Johnston for her insights.


Reading: An Act Of Self-Love-Podcast 187

In this podcast, I recommend hopping over to the New World library book sale, which is happening right now until June 20. The books they have for sale now are $.99 each.

Reading is an act of self love. I experiences this every time I pick up a book and read it.
This is what today’s podcast is all about.