Wayne Dyer Trumps The Donald

Astrology’s Astrologer returned to my radio show this evening! We were going to do Donald Trump’s chart, but Wayne Dyer Trumped The Donald!
As most of you know, Wayne Dyer dropped his body this week. For the millions who love him, we were in a state of awe that something this monumental could happen. He is still with us.
Listen IN!!
Squash Anxiety-Podcast 210

I bought an iPhone app where by Dr. Wayne Dyer has abbreviated the 81 verses from his book Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Living The Wisdom Of The Tao, and goes through all 81 verses in one hour- then the app starts over again.
As I wait to be called in to work, I feel myself getting anxious. So I listen to the 81 abbreviated verses, instead. Awesome!
What can you do to relieve any anxiety you may be feeling? That’s what today’s Podcast is all about.