Posts Tagged ‘fear of death’

Quantum Death, Quantum Love

Do you remember those childhood nightmares we all used to have? Maybe we still have some of those, and generally speaking, we don’t talk that much about them. Maybe we talk to a trusted adviser, but wouldn’t talk about them to a perfect stranger or bring them up in polite company.

Have you ever had an experience you just don’t feel comfortable talking about?

Death is like that, too. We may think if we don’t talk about it, it will go away. Or we may think the only people we can speak about this is to a trusted advisor.

If you could’ve been with me when my mother died, you would’ve been amazed. 

She had been Ill and her illness took a toll. At the moment of her death, all the lines left her face and she looked like a 14-year-old girl again.

If you could have been with me three days after my mother’s death, you would have experienced a love that transcended judgment or hate or fear. If you would’ve been with me after my mother’s death, we would have experienced what unconditional love really is, without having to explain it to anybody.

That was a quantum experience and now, I know.