Daily Gratitudes

Today, I am so happy and grateful for the new water system in our house! I recommend Martin’s Appliance in Quarryville to everyone reading this!
I am so happy and grateful for the full tilt boogie preparations for winter, this year! Today, we intend to renovate our bathroom, and paint it!
I am so happy and grateful for the efficient wood stove being delivered to our basement next week! Warmth and cozy is the theme for this coming cold weather!
I am so happy and grateful for THRIVE which has given Tomaso and I new found optimism and energy! I am drinking my shake, now, as I write these words!
I am so happy and grateful for this beautiful Autumn and the fact frost is on the way!
I am so happy and grateful for my dog Pearlie and my cat, TS Elliot! They are healing catalysts in my life!
And special thanks to Tomaso, who is coming alive with THRIVE!
What are your gratitudes, today?