Dr Oz Maverick continues- Podcast 149

Junk GMO’d Snacks
Henry Miller can be for anything he wants, but unfortunately he and his sidekicks want to impose this on everyone in America. There is a key Bill going up for a vote in Congress called the “Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act.” This bill would take away the American right to know whether foods or GMO’d or not. This law would make it impossible for the FDA to mandate labeling on foods state to state. All previous GMO labeling laws would be wiped off the books.
Have you ever heard of a GMO Apple? It is called the Arctic Apple. They change the blueprint of the Apple by injecting some sort of toxic chemical into it, so that when you cut into the Apple, it will not brown.
When I was a kid, and was recovering from an intestinal virus, we used to cut up apples and wait for them to get brown, and eat them when they were brown for the healing it brought to the stomach. It is an old remedy and it works fantastically. These anti-labeling GMO nuts want to take away our brown apples.
Go to https://takeaction.takepart.com/actions/oppose-the-dark-act and signed the petition to put a halt to the “Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act.”
We cannot let them get away with this.