Day 9 Of The Prayer Prescriptions Virtual Book Tour
Joan Adams interviewed me today on day number nine of the virtual book tour for Prayer Prescriptions: Spiritual Remedies For Long Lasting Health.
Joan and I have known each other a long time online. Three years ago I went to her family reunion in South Carolina. I cannot believe it’s been that long, already.
We focus on the virtual book tour on our interview today. We cover the basics when it comes to a virtual book tour, but I highly recommend studying this modality in detail with Devorah Lansky, author of Book Marketing Made Easy. She is known as the Marketing Wizard on Twitter and elsewhere on the Internet.
In-Joy the video and Radio Interview, today!
Day 8 Of Prayer Prescriptions Virtual Book Tour-Gypsy Owl
Day 7 Of The Prayer Prescription Virtual Book Tour

Today, Mal Duane interviews me on a teleconference. The link to that is right underneath this post and video. Mal is the author of the book, Alpha Chick, which is an Amazon bestseller.
Prayer is a recovery tool for all recovering addicts. Obviously, it is a tool for everyone else, too. It is often said in recovery circles, prayer is you talking to God, and meditation is God talking to you.
One of the first things a person does when they no longer can stand their addiction, it is to say, please help me God.
Please help me God. Those are powerful words and they change lives.
Either the answer comes immediately and smacks you right in the face, or it comes in subtle ways over a week or month. The question is, are you ready to heed the call? Are you sober enough to recognize the call when it presents itself to you?
Prayer heals. Prayer transforms. Prayer Prescriptions: Spiritual Remedies For Long Lasting Health, is a book I have written which will soon be published in May. It is a book to help you get into the feeling of prayer. Its purpose is to bring you peace of mind as you read the words.
Another purpose is to help you establish your own prayer practice, if you haven’t already done so. Or to help you strengthen the prayer practice you already have.
The teleseminar is at 12 noon but the replay is also available on the link underneath this post.
Day 5 Of “Prayer Prescription” Virtual Book Tour!
Thank You for the First VBT Week! Check Out Today’s Prayer Prescription Under the Video!!
Day #3 Of Prayer Prescription Virtual Book Tour