Divine Potential-Podcast 147

Let our animals lead the way.
Dear Goddess, Thank you for giving us our lives and the ability to live them out according to our earthly commitments. Thank you for all the lessons we agree to learn in this earthly incarnation, with the people in our lives we chose before birth to fulfill our spiritual growth. Thank you for all of it.
I will listen to messages from Divine Potential today through dreams, nature signs, through music I listen to, through pictures and painting and photographs I surround myself with.
We are all Heroes on this mystic journey we call Life. Sometimes we struggle to make the right choices. We are called upon to rise above mere survival to the pinnacle of self-actualization.
As we work through the symbols that show up, we learn to see with symbolic vision. Emotional and spiritual wounds heal more quickly. We learn to trust in Divine Timing in our lives: that the right people show up at the right moment, and the flow of Divine Blessings is never ending.
We cannot do this with our mind or intellect. We develop the heart’s intuition so that love springs easily with every possible interaction.
The effort involved with all of this is to make the only choices to further our spiritual growth: to love, forgive, let go, and meet resistance with a willingness to try once again perhaps in another season of time, to fulfill our mission in this lifetime.
The Divine works through our animals to teach the universal truths of life. If we are open to this, our spiritual evolution is hastened by what I call a celestial speed up. When I got Mukunda after 28 years of not having a dog, my perception of love, forgiveness and creativity flourished. I will never go another second without having a dog.
Om Peace Amen
God’s Revolution- Podcast 145

As we pray with each in and out breath and welcome the beautiful seasons of the year, I wanted to discuss the canonization of Dorothy Day, as seen from the perspective of James Douglass, author of “JFK: And The Unspeakable.”