Posts Tagged ‘The Prayer Prescription Series’

Counting Conscious Breaths- Podcast 174

Counting Conscious Breaths and Steps

Counting Conscious Breaths and Steps

I was reviewing a podcast I did earlier on in the series and it had to do with taking 22,000 breaths a day. In reality we only breathe 18 breaths if not 16 breaths a minute, and if you actually wanted to breathe consciously you would actually be breathing 10 conscious breaths in one moment.

I timed it and 10 breaths taken consciously is about right and it might even actually be eight. Time it yourself to see what it is for you.
When we slow down our breathing and we slow down our steps, it will slow down our ability to see and hear. In the process, we become different people.
And that is what this podcast is all about.


Save The Bees-And Humans, too-Podcast 173

Save The Bees and the Flowers and the Humans

Save The Bees and the Flowers and the Humans

Today is the day for anti-Monsanto rallies scheduled all over the country at the same time.

I will be giving a speech at today’s rally here in my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
A few weeks ago, my husband Tom and Pearlie my dog and I took a walk in a park that we dearly love. Imagine our surprise when we got out there one morning and realized they sprayed the night before without any warning in the way of signs to tell the public about their intention to spray that area of the park.
This is what today’s podcast is all about.


LSD Induced NDE- Podcast 172

I’ve been trying to think why near-death experiences seem so familiar. I never had one and then it struck me– The mind altering substances we took when we were young induced a near death experience type consciousness.

Furthermore, the experiences we had when we were young prepared us for what we face as we age.
And that is what today’s podcast is about.


Shared Dreams- Podcast 171

Many people think their near death experiences or NDE could constitute an admission into an insane asylum.

But when somebody close to them has a similar or shared experience, it helps to alleviate anxiety surrounding the experience. Anybody who has an NDE is freed from their fear of death. If guilt or shame is associated with experiences in their lives, those feelings are also obliterated.
I picked up a book at a library sale the other day, as did my husband. When I went to the post office to mail a letter, he picked up my book and opened it up to a page that referenced the book he bought at the library sale. That not only is synchronicity, but it also is a shared dreamlike experience.
That is what today’s podcast is all about.


Mysterious Life-Podcast 170

Today’s podcast goes into more detail about a book I am reading called Consciousness Beyond Life by Dr. Pim van Lommel.

Defining consciousness is always a bit tricky and hardly anyone has been able to do it. Consciousness itself is tricky. Because you can’t see it, people make the mistake of assuming it does not exist.
I never had a near death experience per se but I did have an experience of unconditional love around the deathbed of my mother, after she died. After people have a NDE, (near death experience), they never fear death, again. If we open ourselves up to the Great Mystery, we will be rewarded with a great expanse of love and and all that transcends understanding.
The same mystery surrounding death also surrounds birth.
When you think about it, all of life is a mystery. And a miracle.


Consciousness Beyond Life – Podcast 169

I found a book I’ve been looking for this morning called Consciousness Beyond Life by Pim van Lommel MD. Dr Lommel is a cardiologist whom has been at the helm of many a resuscitation. 

Resuscitation is a huge thing in health care. We feel we’ve failed every time a patient dies.
“Not on my shift,” we say.
Yet it happens on every shift, everyday, and we deny, defy, and refuse to acknowledge it.
That’s what this podcast is about.
Here are the podcasts referenced about Dr Alexander’s near death experience:


The Ethics Guy- Podcast 168

Today’s podcast talks about the new book called The Good Ones by Dr. Bruce Weinstein. Dr. Weinstein is also called The Ethics Guy.

I won the book on a Facebook contest, created by Dr. Weinstein. He asked what kind of ethical dilemma had we faced at work, and how did we handled it?
Today’s podcast is an introduction to what the book is about. Soon I will be interviewing Dr. Weinstein again about this excellent thought provoking book.
I hope you will consider joining me for the Awesomization Nation, where we awesomize our lives, the world, and our businesses.


The Rich and Poor- Podcast 167

I was struck by a statement in Tom Brokaw’s new book called A Lucky Life Interrupted and the quote is by Jesse Jackson.
“The rich are all about living and the poor are all about dying.”
This, of course, points to the inequities of our healthcare system Obama Care or no Obama Care. Obamacare is delivered by health insurance delivery systems which is a backward way to deliver healthcare.
Every other civilized country in the world has Single Payer. And their economic system flows much better as a result, serving all the people, not just the rich.
This is what today’s Podcast is about today as well as an opportunity to join the Awesomization Nation.
Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes:


Be Awesome-Podcast 166

Be Awesome

Be Awesome

Today’s podcast is about my musings on Tom Brokaw’s new memoir called A Lucky Life Interrupted. Mr. Brokaw compiled a journal after a diagnosis of malignant melanoma. The memoir is a result of his recollections during that time.

I also want to extend an invitation to you to join the Awesomization Nation.  Today’s podcast goes into detail about that. And the link to join the Awesomization Nation follows at the end of this post.
You can listen to the webinar until midnight 5/15/15 eastern here:
And join the Awesomization Nation here:


Your Mortality Zone- Podcast 165

Where Is Your Mortality Zone?

Where Is Your Mortality Zone?

What is your mortality zone? Does such a thing exists? It’s a term I just heard on Fresh Air, NPR public radio’s interview with Tom Brokaw. It is a clever term, and it got my immediate attention, but in the end what is immortality and mortality? Can they exist in the same space at the same time?

Apparently, Tom Brokaw was diagnosed with a serious form of Melanoma over this past year. He wrote a memoir called My Lucky Life Interrupted. The book is a reflection of his experiences confronting his own mortality.
Do these terms truly describe the true mystery of life? Yet the term mortality zone got my attention and I wanted to think about it.
In the Judeo Christian tradition, immortality can only be achieved by accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. That is about as suffocating a definition as any I’ve ever considered.
In spiritual thought traditions, immortality is a birthright and a death right. It is a consciousness that exists beyond what we are experiencing in this present moment. Yet the present moment is the only thing that exists. If mortality exist in the future, is it possible that immortality is the only thing that exists in this present moment?
This is what today’s podcast is all about.