Healing Tibetan Style

I never went to Omega Institute to be in the presence of Tulka Thondup’s healing aura, but my husband, Tom went twice and I saw a renewed sense of calm and dedication to his meditation practice when he came back home, again.
When he returned, he taught me some of what he learned.
Two of the Twelve Stages Of Meditation Of The Healing Buddha
1) Bring your mind back to your body.
Allow your mind to generate thoughts of peace, calm and serenity.
Allow these thoughts of peace settle into every cell of your body, moving from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head.
Think that everyone around you is calm and that the room, your house, your town, neighboring city and the whole planet and then the whole Universe is filled with a loving, peaceful calmness.
If you feel any uneasiness, locate the area in your body where you feel this sensation the most.
Then take a couple of deep and forceful breaths and think and feel the uneasiness expel with your outgoing breaths: “Haaa, Haaa, Haaa!!”
Know that the uneasy feelings are completely expelled, leaving no trace within your body.
Feel the freedom of no longer having any blocks of fear or tenseness anywhere. Your whole body is profoundly relaxed, rejuvenated and in a state of awakened awareness.
2) Bringing your body back to the earth energies
If you are feeling ungrounded or a sense of floating, think of where your sitting body touches the chair or the cushion, and visualize a unity between earth and your relaxing body.
Enjoy this feeling of boundless freedom and healing as long as you can.
The Following Are Thondup’s Eight Tips for Meditation
1) Take a couple of deep breaths and expel the sensation of worry and discomfort with your outgoing breath. Feel the peace.
2) With the outgoing breath, send the sensations far away in the form of dark clouds that dissolve into the open, empty and clear sky.
3) Think of the word and feeling of “Boundlessness.”
4) Think and feel that your body is boundless, that even its cells are boundless. Allow your breathing to relax in this boundless feeling, as though your breath were totally without limit or constriction.
5) Think and feel that all cells are breathing, in and out, directly through the pores of your body.
6) Imagine your body as if it were a body of light. Light is intangible and free. Feel what this feels life all through your body.
7) Be aware of any uneasy sensation in an open way, without judging it, and without wanting to push it away, or clinging to it.
Continue to breath naturally and remain in the state of mere awareness. Open awareness is considered a high form of healing and can help anyone during meditation and also the rest of your life.
8) If you feel as if you are floating, imagine that your body is filled with light that somehow has a heavy quality. Although light is substantial, we could think of it as heavy, the way air is weighted down by moisture or the way the earth’s atmusphere exerts air pressure.
Just remain in open awareness of the floating sensation without judgment, worry or grasping.
Thondup describes healing with the meditation techniques he teaches in workshops and in his books.
He says that in Tibet, when he or family and friends got sick, they first went to a lama and said prayers for spiritual healing. They went to the doctor after the spiritual prayers were completed.
A friend of Thondup, Harry Winter, had an incurable fatal cancer. When Harry was seventy-four, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. His doctors’ told him he had only a few months to live.
Harry practiced meditation for years and was fully prepared to meet this crisis. He firmly believed his meditation practice would slow the disease and possibly stop it. He also believed that this meditation could reinforce the benefits of medical treatment.
To his doctors’ utter amazement, Harry survived two surgeries and his cancer went into remission.
Five years later, the cancer returned but this time Harry refused medical intervention. By this time, Harry was experienced at meditating in an open and relaxed way. He often meditated for eight hours a day.
Harry used the meditation that Thondup teaches called “Receive the Healing Blessings,” in which the mind calls forth blessed nectar to wash away impurities.
In his mind, Harry visualized Vajrasattua, the Buddha of Purification, from whom would stream healing nectar.
The nectar entered his body from the crown of his headArticle Submission, purifying and healing the cancer cells and all emotional toxicity. Harry additionally wished for these blessings to extend to all beings everywhere and the whole Universe.
Harry was eighty-five at the time of the book’s publication in 2000. He coild still be going strong at age 93!
I have a autographed copy of “Boundless Healing.” I feel as if I’ve been blessed by a higher spiritual being as I gaze upon his signature.
We must learn from our teachers.
They are here to help us.