Human Evolution- Podcast 205
Real human evolution depends on spiritual tools and meaningful inquiry we apply to our exploration.
This exploration deepens as we age and wisdom becomes a way of life.
This is what today’s Podcast is all about.
Love Is Forever- Podcast 204
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. And selflessness is letting other people’s lives alone, not interfering with them. Selfishness always aims at creating around it an absolute uniformity of type. Unselfishness recognizes infinite variety of type is a delightful thing, acquiesces in it, enjoys it. Oscar Wilde “The Soul Of Man Under Socialism.”
I am reading Love Never Dies by Dr Jamie Turndorf.
It’s about how our dearly beloved loved ones communicate with us and how we can communicate with them!
That’s what this podcast explores.
The Church Within- Podcast 203
Today’s Podcast is a summary of recent inner and outer events. Mostly inner.
Last night’s radio show can be accessed on yesterday’s blog post. The show was a conversation Paul M. Lewis and I had about his recently published book called After The Devastation. We discussed the characters in his book and how he originally met them in a dream.
I wonder if these characters are Paul’s Higher Guides? Guardian Angels? His internal guidance system?
If so, this is a new way to look at characters in a fiction book. Paul, if you are reading this, you could start blogging about your book, the ideas you present and the characters who could be our guardian spirits, too.
Please do share them with us!
I digress. Today’s podcast is my free floating odyssey into the world of spirit.
Planet Earth #1 Priority
These are the questions asked of Paul M Lewis, about his book, After The Devastation.
1) Your book After The Devastation, is a fiction/ science fiction book, but it paints a picture of likely scenarios if humans can’t respect Planet Earth, change our lives, get off the grid. What inspired you to write the book?
2) The climate deniers have recently been stopped in their tracks by Pope Francis stand on climate change, in the form of the church’s highest communication, called the Encyclical. Have you read it and what do you think of it?
3) Tell us about your blog, “Two Old Liberals.” Do you write about climate change there, as well?
4) in your book, without giving too much away, your characters develop a high intuitive sense in order to survive. That makes so much sense to me. Your comment?
5) What steps can we take to prevent the mass extinction of human life on planet earth?
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Your Inner World-Podcast 202
This morning, I was meditating around the birth bed and tub when the realization hit me– my inner world is all I need concentrate on. I don’t have to think about anything else.
This is what today’s Podcast is about.
Being Human – Podcast 201
Today I am meditating on the phrase Being Human. What does it mean to be human? We aren’t automatically born into the state of being the greatest we can be as a human beings.
Waging war, brutality to one another, the Confederate flag, Nazi Germany, genocide is still happening in today’s world. This is not what it means to be human.
Being human: is not a birthright. We have to grow into what it really means to be the best we can be.
That is what today’s podcast is all about.
Loving vs Virginia-Podcast 200
Loving versus Virginia was a landmark civil rights decision of the United States Supreme Court, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. It was argued on April 10, 1967 and decided on June 12 1967.
Loving vs Virginia is seen as a precedent in the Marriage Equality Act.
The Marriage Equality Act was decided yesterday. The Constitution now guarantees the right to same sex marriage.
These two Supreme Court decisions have been cited in many articles I’ve read in the past 24 hours. They are both seen as equal on the human rights playing field.
This is what this podcast is about.
Aging A Creative Renaissance-Podcast 199
The first challenge boomers must overcome in American Society is the negative all pervasive attitudes about aging.
Michael Gelb in his book “Brain Power” pioneers the concept that the brain becomes more resilient with age. Memory can be twice that of a younger person. The brain, if nurtured with good diet, drinking increased amounts of water, a daily exercise program, and a positive mental attitude, with hearty daily laughter and mirth, will constantly regenerate. It will not wear down, contrary to the 1950s research which suggested that is neural brain cells died, none that would be replaced.
“Brain Power” opens entirely new possibilities for any aging population.
Our friend Herb McCollom writes plays and will be doing a reading of one of his plays on my Google Hangout July 10! He is 84 years young!
This is what today’s Podcast is about!
14 Spiritual Remedies- Podcast 198
I am resurrecting my book, Prayer Prescriptions: 14 Spiritual Remedies For Long Lasting Health.
It was edited thoroughly yet I found several typos, even so. And I want to make it evergreen and current.
What are the 14 Spiritual Remedies for long lasting health?
Firstly, get a dog. When I interviewed Bernie Siegel, he said he can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a dog or cat.
Secondly, all of life is Prayer- and all Prayer is Tantra. In fact, everything is Tantra. Everything in life is therapy, as Marc Allen said the other night on my radio show.
Thirdly, hang out with trees everyday. What are the old trees telling you?
What are your dogs and cats telling you?
It is a revelation to read my book, again. The time is ripe for publication.
Miracles: Double Edge -Podcast 197
We can believe in something but actually have no direct experience with what we think we believe in.
A perfect example of this is the belief in an afterlife. We may believe we die and that’s it but until we experience the cosmic levels and multi-dimensions involved with All That Is, and if we’ve been raised to believe in science versus cosmic experience and never the twain shall meet, then we need direct experience in order to transcend a belief that doesn’t serve anybody, including ourselves.
I know for myself that I was raised to believe in life after death. Subsequent experiences have shown me that there is so much more than what we can possibly know. My generation has had direct experience with expanding consciousness especially with LSD. People who were ordinarily confined to a one dimensional world view, suddenly saw life as multidimensional with beautiful colors and joyful adjacent realities.
Now there are numerous books on the experience of near death experiences. But just because others have had these experiences and we haven’t, relegates our perspective into a mere believe and not a direct experience. Yet often as we read something we directly experience it.
Julia Asante’s book the Last Frontier is such a book. I am enjoying reading it again.
Marc Allen and I agreed in our conversation last night on Kate Loving and the Collective Wisdom that the main cause of fear is rooted in the fear of death. Julia Assante says the same thing.
People define miracles in ways that are self-limiting. For instance, if you have a dire diagnoses, you may think that the miracle would be to be healed of the melody. Yet when that or if that does not happen, you think you are not one of the chosen people.
As Pastor Verkow said this morning, miracles are a double edged sword. I told him about a young man with stage four pancreatic cancer, and he is terrified that when he dies, he will not be saved in the traditional Christian sense.
That is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, sadder than the fact that he is dying at such an young age. The miracle would be for him to feel God’s love before he dies. Let us pray.