A Medley of Spirit- Podcast 255

Serena Dyer and Wayne W Dyer

Serena Dyer and Wayne W Dyer

I have been immersing myself in Dr. Wayne W Dyer’s audios. Many are on sale until September 30, 2015 through Hay House. I love these audios. The Wayne Dyer unplugged interviews with Lisa Garr are what I am listening to today and the last few days. Sometimes I fall asleep to these audios, and my subconscious mind thanks me.

In less than one month since Wayne Dyer’s passing, Pope Francis has infused America and the world with his loving vibrations. The vibrations of the world are elevated. My vibrations are elevated as a result of his presence and so are yours.

Formless to form – all beings come from non-being. The invisible divine creates our experience, not the physical, or the false self, otherwise known as the ego. Source energy is who we are.

Serena Dyer

Serena Dyer

Wayne Dyer repeats his stories time and time again yet I notice listening to him is like experiencing a dream, because I forget what he says and need to hear it, again. This is why I intend to keep listening as part of my daily spiritual Dharma.

Synchronistically, Serena Dyer, Wayne’s daughter, agreed to be on my radio show September 29, 2015. Here is the link so that you can put it on your calendar!

Serena and Wayne wrote the book, Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You.

Serena was raised with spiritual parents and so was I. That is what we will mostly be talking about, but who knows what will really happen? I will let go of outcome and let the Angels orchestrate our conversation.

The show will represent heaven and earth merging together to bring balance to all who will listen. Great blessings and humility will preside.

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