Astrology’s Astrologer Returns-Podcast 235

Kate Loving And The Collective Wisdom, my Blog Talk Radio show, is bringing back the ever popular Astrology’s Astrologer, Sheila Audet. Sheila will take a cursory look at your chart when you call in and give her the date, time and place of birth. After a short insightful reading, she will draw a few Tarot Cards for you.

The call in number is 347-205-9200.

I will choose you in the order you appear on the switchboard.

My daily Podcast is back in the saddle. I knew it would be, because customer service at Audello is awesome!

And finally, enjoy these last days of late summer, if that happens to be the season you find yourself experiencing, in this present moment. Don’t forget to meditate, exercise, eat wholesome food, drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.
Please consider joining my Community and receive 3 audio interviews I did with death and dying experts.

Here is the link to Tuesday’s radio show!!

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