Being Human – Podcast 201

Today I am meditating on the phrase Being Human. What does it mean to be human? We aren’t automatically born into the state of being the greatest we can be as a human beings.
Waging war, brutality to one another, the Confederate flag, Nazi Germany, genocide is still happening in today’s world. This is not what it means to be human.
Being human: is not a birthright. We have to grow into what it really means to be the best we can be.
That is what today’s podcast is all about.
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2 Responses to “Being Human – Podcast 201”
Loved your description of Being human as Becoming a favorite quote of mine
On what is real is from the Velveteen Rabbit ” Skin Horse says you don’t become
real all At once it takes a long time.” I think being human is like that it takes a
lifetime of becoming. We grow into it and for me it’s an ongoing experience.
The edges are spaces to grow into
In my opinion being born into the human species means that I am a human being without additional expectations. I exist as a human as I am. I am human by birth, and if I am conscious, I experience my being. Being the BEST human I can be is a journey of many choices. What is judged to be BEST for me is based on my personal beliefs. From my point of view, being compassionate (and beyond) is not a requirement for a human being. I strive to offer acceptance (compassion) to all beings without any conditions that I judge to be right, best, saintly, etc. That is compassion from my point of view, and I don’t claim perfection–not at all.
I hear your message urging us to grow into our best characteristics and qualities. Thank you for this guidance. That is an admirable model for each of us to choose. It sounds like you have the highest intentions for the expression of our humanity. It is my opinion that human nature is shifting away from fear into love. I believe this shift is awakening our collective best intentions.
I respect your point of view, and you know I love you, Kate. We have the freedom to see things from diverse points of view, and that is a joyful part of being human. Thank you for hearing my thoughts on this topic. Shine on!
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