Prayer For The Seasons–Podcast 142

Now it is time for spring cleaning and planting a garden: vegetables for food, flowers for beauty. The four seasons give great opportunity for adjustment and fine-tuning of our bodily energy systems. For instance, as energy rises from the earth in spring time, we capture the synergy into our collective heart and sing songs and dance with purifying breezes.
Summer brings with it cleansing heat to our bodies and long days with picnics and celebrations, sunbathing and sun appreciation. Pearlie likes to take her long walks in the cool of a summer morning. Those moments before the sun reaches her zenith are the only time to get things done. But Pearlie’s walks are always on the top of the list.
Autumn reminds us of endings and contemplation as the days shorten after the summer solstice. The nights grow longer. The sky brings dramatic changes of dark and light, and weather can be unpredictable. Autumn brings with it the reminder of the winter ahead.
As winter begins, the days grow ever shorter, yet weather is perfect for outdoor winter sports. Ice is a reality for us in winter. Slipping and falling on ice is a good way to die. Yak Tracks are in my future for the next cycle of the winter months.
Winter is a beautiful season. All seasons are perfectly gorgeous in their own way. We live on the Conestoga River and in Winter I can see clear down to the Lancaster County Park and clear up to the bridge that takes travelers to historic Lancaster City. As close as we are to the city, we are protected from it by wildfowl, raccoons, Red Fox, Eagles, Heron and Hawk. The barking red fox and woot of the Owl is sublime as I lie listening by an open window.
And always the return of spring time. This year it was late by at least a month. We were still slipping and sliding on ice as recently as 30 days ago. Thankfully we have a four-wheel-drive vehicle to brave the 280 foot Lane we live on. I am always pray-full when the snowstorms move in. I still have to get to home births in Amish country. Braving weather conditions strengthens me and makes me fearless. But I don’t ever look forward to facing the reality of a snowstorm in the middle of the night – the times I work.
Calling in the guardian angels is always a good idea, for every season, for every endeavor.
Om Peace Amen
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