Sing Your Music- Podcast 269

The conversation I had with Serena Dyer, author of Don’t Die With Your Music
Still In You, was wonderful.
In 2001, Dr. Wayne W Dyer, wrote a book called Ten Secrets For Success And Inner Peace, based on the most important principles he wanted his children to live by. Serena Dyer has contemplated these ideas throughout her life. Don’t die with your music still in you has been the most important principle for Serena: to her, it means that you don’t allow yourself to live any life other than the one you were born to live.
We covered why Serena chose that particular secret and why it is important to her; what secret is important to her now; stories about her dad, Wayne W Dyer, and what it’s like to be raised by spiritual parents.
Originally, I wanted Serena to be on the show because we were both raised with spiritual parents.
We discussed how Wayne W Dyer is “still here” and Serena give us examples as to why this is true.
Listen in:
Expect Something Wonderful- Podcast 268

Expect something wonderful every moment of your life. That’s what my day has been like.
This morning, I thought I was being interviewed to talk about the awesome coffee shop we frequent several times a week.
It turned out, one of the foodies was a patient of mine, or more accurately, his wife was, but healthcare is family care. He said he talks about me everyday. I was touched.
Then Serena Dyer said she will be on my Radio show this Friday at 12 noon!
Remember– expect something wonderful!
A Medley of Spirit- Podcast 255

Serena Dyer and Wayne W Dyer
In less than one month since Wayne Dyer’s passing, Pope Francis has infused America and the world with his loving vibrations. The vibrations of the world are elevated. My vibrations are elevated as a result of his presence and so are yours.
Formless to form – all beings come from non-being. The invisible divine creates our experience, not the physical, or the false self, otherwise known as the ego. Source energy is who we are.

Serena Dyer
Synchronistically, Serena Dyer, Wayne’s daughter, agreed to be on my radio show September 29, 2015. Here is the link so that you can put it on your calendar!
Serena and Wayne wrote the book, Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You.
Serena was raised with spiritual parents and so was I. That is what we will mostly be talking about, but who knows what will really happen? I will let go of outcome and let the Angels orchestrate our conversation.
The show will represent heaven and earth merging together to bring balance to all who will listen. Great blessings and humility will preside.
Be A Reverse Paranoid-Podcast 254

One of my favorite Wayne W. Dyer books is Your Sacred Self. One of the things he advises his readers is to be a “Reverse Paranoid.”
A paranoid person believes the world is out to get her. A reverse paranoid believes only good is streaming her way.
The ego or the false self believes the world is out to get you.
The Divine Mind believes and knows the good in the world is everywhere and knows everyone and everything is out to bring good into your life. This is ultimately a protective force similar to calling in the Guardian Angels to heal you.
A reverse paranoid has purified her thinking. She looks past the differences measurable only on the physical plane and aligns herself with Divine Mind.
This mind says, “We are all the same essence.”
As we shift to the spiritual realm, the physical world naturally responds.
This is Universal Truth.
Life Is Beautiful-Podcast 247

I was reading all of the tributes to Wayne W Dyer on his Facebook page this morning. I am particularly struck by Wayne’s larger-than-life all out expressive humor, laughter and love he shared with everyone he met. He was generous and gave of himself 1000%. I recommend people read these tributes. It is a testament to living life spontaneously, impulsively and to shine forth our own gifts without the resistance of ego.
Life is beautiful when we learn to love unconditionally.
That is what I get from all of Wayne’s books, tapes and quotes, and also from A Course In Miracles, Yogananda and Christ Consciousness. Love is the answer, the kind of love unhindered by competition, grievances and unforgivenesses.
Love as Jesus loved. We can adapt his Gospel of Love for ourselves, without needing anyone’s approval to do so.
Love as Yogananda and Ramana Maharshi loved. Love as my dog loves. That would be enough to fill the whole wide world and beyond.
To love as my dog loves requires some training. That is the only kind of dog training I believe in.
For instance, teaching her to meditate when we meditate, telling her all the time how beautiful she is and what a good dog she is; teaching her to kiss and lie down on my lap – that last one is the most difficult because Pearlie likes to be by herself, most likely because she was a feral dog.
Love love love. That’s all there is. That’s where all the babies come from and that’s where they go when they die.
Life is beautiful when we learn to love unconditionally.
meditate simplify pray- podcast 245

I have been immersing myself in the works of Wayne W Dyer. One thing he repeated over and over again is when you contemplate the conditions you think is missing in your life, it’s like saying God’s plan is wrong. What frequency are you generating in your life? If you make a concerted effort to plug into the divine frequency that created everything, you automatically will go from an ordinary to an extraordinary consciousness experience.
See goodness and beauty everywhere, by first of all seeing goodness and beauty inside your own soul. Drop the dualities. See the unity in everything. Hear the silence which is the sound of God, because by meditating on our divine creator at all times, profound silence results.
That is God.
Depend on the spark of creation that motivates our creativity and originality.
Listen to the music that harmonizes the soul.
Meditate simplify and pray.
Tune into the energy that is radiating vibrations everywhere. Choose those that make you feel joy and productivity.
What are people around you talking about? Do not accept or agree with it when people emphasize what is missing in their lives. You’ll be doing both of you a favor.
Hang out in nature. Commune with the animals. They are our harmony barometers. Be in silence and meditate with them. My dog Ulysses would make a beeline to the meditation room every day. Now my dog Pearlie is doing the same thing.
If we taught every child how to meditate, in as little as one generation, there wouldn’t be any more war. That is with the Dalai Lama says, and I firmly believe this to be true.
Let go and surrender to the truth of your existence.
Wayne W Dyer’s Shift- Podcast 237

A few weeks ago, I did a podcast review of Wayne Dyer’s movie called “The Shift.” But my podcast app stopped working, and I abandoned the review.
In light of my podcast now miraculously working, again, and Dr Dyer’s entry into”The Next Room,” aka dropping the body, I redid the review.
I highly recommend this movie, “The Shift!”
Around the time of Dr Dyer’s passing, I spontaneously decided to do the Manifesting Meditation he is famous for. I sang AH with his AH on my iPhone app, and went into an elevated state of consciousness.
I will continue to do it, breaking through the resistance I now feel as I do it. It feels eerie, like I am contacting him, somehow. I am not a psychic, and often do not proclaim great prophesy or intuitive vision. But perhaps I will manifest what I am envisioning for my life.
Stay Tuned!!