Be A Reverse Paranoid-Podcast 254

One of my favorite Wayne W. Dyer books is Your Sacred Self. One of the things he advises his readers is to be a “Reverse Paranoid.”
A paranoid person believes the world is out to get her. A reverse paranoid believes only good is streaming her way.
The ego or the false self believes the world is out to get you.
The Divine Mind believes and knows the good in the world is everywhere and knows everyone and everything is out to bring good into your life. This is ultimately a protective force similar to calling in the Guardian Angels to heal you.
A reverse paranoid has purified her thinking. She looks past the differences measurable only on the physical plane and aligns herself with Divine Mind.
This mind says, “We are all the same essence.”
As we shift to the spiritual realm, the physical world naturally responds.
This is Universal Truth.
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