Naked Truths-A Book Review

Alex Gruenberg recently published a book in the Romance Genre called Naked Truths. The book is unlike other books in the genre because respect for women- and men-is emphasized throughout.
I saw a bumper sticker on my walk yesterday. It said, “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people, too.” And so are men, for that matter.
I recently saw a disturbing film called “Hot Girls Wanted” about a growing number of girls who enter the Porn Industry right out of high school, knowingly or unknowingly, mostly naively. They come to know what it’s like to compete for the dollar in a world where girls are treated as objects, at best, and toys to destroy, at worst.
The porn industry is considered commonplace in America which means objectifying and minimalizing people is on the rise, too. I dearly wish children were exempt in this equation but stealing children to spawn the sex slave industry is creating an unprecedented rise in this form of exploitation.
Alex Gruenberg’s book, Naked Truths, is a romance novel people yearn to read but can’t because no one writes romance books about real love and simple respect. Domination and submission still rule this genre.
The book is about people we can relate to who struggle to grow and love each other in spite of their wounds and baggage from the past.
You will want to know what happens next because you care about the characters. They seek to treat the other with kindness and honesty. This does not rule out erotic passion. In fact, it makes it more believable when the characters act like real human beings.
3 Responses to “Naked Truths-A Book Review”
I was disturbed by the Hot Girls Wanted documentary as well. What a shame that these young women don’t have the wisdom to understand the consequences of their choices/actions.
I don’t have as much time to read novels since the birth of my daughter (she’s now 6). But, I will add this title to my list.
Alex’s book reminds me of a consciousness raising!!
Trust me, it’s a great book!!
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