Raised With Spiritual Parents- Podcast 242

I had a few beers last night with my friend Ellen. We were both raised by spiritual parents. In fact, her parents and mine were best friends. Ellen’s dad was our family Homeopathic Doctor, well loved by many because of his great spiritual stature, wisdom and compassion. He was detached by it all, at the same time.

I was telling Ellen how I just asked Serena Dyer, Wayne Dyer’s daughter, to be on my radio show to discuss what it’s like to be raised by spiritual parents. I noticed earlier in the day Serena started to follow me on Twitter after I followed her. This is unusual, as she carefully chooses who she follows on Twitter.

Serena wrote the book: Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You: My Experience Growing Up With Spiritual Parents. I love the book and highly recommend it.
My plan was to call into her dad’s radio show and ask him to ask Serena to be on my show. That door closed by Wayne’s passing into the next room.

At some point in my conversation with Ellen, I checked my Twitter account, and Serena agreed to be on my radio show! Everyone at the bar celebrated with me, and I did an inner dance for the rest of the evening.

From my perspective, what is it like to be raised by spiritual parents? This is what I am contemplating, not only for the show, but as an exercise in recapitulation. My mom passed in 1987 and my dad in 2000. I never felt orphaned, like people often say, but saw it as an opportunity to re-parent with the Divine Intelligence who created us all.

My mother was curious about everything. She was into Paramahansa Yogananda and bought Autobiography Of A Yogi as soon as it was published, and gave a copy to all her friends, including Ellen’s mother. 

She had thousands of spiritual books lining our living room wall. My dad knocked out a wall and also built the book shelf, with his hands and creative sweat.

My mother used to give me lectures about the third eye every day as I woke up from my nap, as early as three years of age. I could not imagine a spiritual third eye, but a literal eye in the middle of my forehead opening up for all to see. I always remembered those lectures. 

The third eye is pivotal to our development in this physical realm. 
I am thankful for those early teachings.

To be continued…..

One Response to “Raised With Spiritual Parents- Podcast 242”

  1. Samantha West

    So great to hear Sernea will be on your show. Love your stories about your Mom and
    And Dad looking forward to interview.

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