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Believe In Yourself- Podcast 250

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.- e. e. cummings

My husband joined me tonight to talk about our meditation workshop we now call Birthing Spirit.

The e. e. cummings quote struck me today because of the emphasis on a good self image needed to blossom forth in this beautiful world, and live in-spirit instead of believing we are nothing else but these physical bodies we find ourselves in.

We are spirit beings having a bodily experience.

We are not our bodies, our thoughts or our yearnings.

Who are we?
Go out and look at the sky tonight and ask, “Who am I?”

Am I a star, the Galaxy, the space between the stars, the love I feel as I gaze upon these things?

Who am I? We used to ask this questions when we were young. Why do most of us cease asking?

Who are you? There is no separation between us. We are Love. We are eternal beauty. We are the infinite Divine Origin.

Listen in as we discuss our meditation workshop! 

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Scorch The Ego-Podcast 249

All unhappiness is due to
the ego-
With it comes all your troubles.
If you would deny the ego
and scorch it by ignoring it, 
You would be free.

-Ramana Maharshi

My husband Tom and I will soon  be giving a regular meditation workshop called “Birthing Spirit.” Meditation helps to reawaken spirit from the clutches of ego.
Ego is nothing more than separation from your Divine or Originating Intelligence or God or Goddess. When we were separated from our creative essence, we think only our physical bodies and our possessions are real. We go on the acquisition of more stuff and baggage. The acquisition of more stuff does not give lasting happiness.

Tom I will be discussing what Birthing Spirit is all about on my radio show this week, Kate Loving the Collective Wisdom. Please join the discussion here at this link.


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Eco Anxiety-Rerun Sunday

KevinMillerLancaster County is an oasis in the center of desertification that has taken over the entire United States. Most of the country these last few summers experienced some of the worst droughts in many, many years, culminating in a complete decimation of crops.

Human consumption of fossil fuels plus greed of fossil fuel companies has warmed the planet to dangerous to human and animal life degrees.

I have never been one to buy into the apocalypse. But because this discussion sounds so much like the catastrophe that it is, I need to play Devil’s Advocate here for a moment, to say that I cannot imagine that we really are in the end-game of earth life.
I know we can do something about it and that it is in our hands, we Earthlings.

Kevin introduced several ideas that he proposed at Hive Of Planet Loving Activity meetings.
Divesting from fossil fuel companies on the stock market will stop the fossil fuel industry dead in their tracks. Students stopped Apartheid in South Africa by a similar method by halting stock investments which promoted Apartheid.

Fossil Fuel Free Fridays

1) Fossil Fuel Free Fridays which initially targets Exxon, who systematically ruined more of the planet without paying 1cent in taxes, than any other oil company.

2) Fossil fuel free Friday- ride your bike or meditate all day, staying off the grid.

3) Do not buy or use any fossil fuel on any given Friday.
Kevin is an artist and created a book that any community can follow to
create their own Hive of Planet Loving Activity. However, it needs to be published and widely distributed. I will let you know when that happens.

This show originally aired 9/20/12,

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Kate Loving Shenk on BlogTalkRadio


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Birthing Spirit- Podcast 248

My husband Tom and I have been approved for monthly meditation workshops at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster, PA. We changed the name from Opening To Oneness to Birthing Spirit. Birthing Spirit is an accurate description of what we are doing in our workshops, and what meditation does for us.

Life without meditation is purely a concentration of outer life pursuits: the job, the money, the goals.

Life with meditation puts those pursuits in perspective. You can’t take it with you so you may as well give it all away, now.

Furthermore, life with meditation creates a desire to stay longer in silence, to measure our words and stay silent if what we’re about to say does not reflect who we really are–(Children Of God).

Life with meditation draws us to Nature, to feel the energy of trees, birds and butterflies, and to feel the energy behind what we “see” with our eyes. 

Life with meditation helps to birth the spirit we came into this life with and will take with us when we depart from this life.

My husband Tom and I will be discussing our workshop, Birthing Spirit, on my radio show Kate Loving And The Collective Wisdom, 9/22/15 at 5PM eastern.

Listen in as we discuss the importance of birthing spirit into pure love. We don’t need to compete, live with resentment, or refuse to forgive. In fact, we need to put a lid on the ego mind of fear and bounce back with mirth and curiosity.



Life Is Beautiful-Podcast 247

I was reading all of the tributes to Wayne W Dyer on his Facebook page this morning. I am particularly struck by Wayne’s larger-than-life all out expressive humor, laughter and love he shared with everyone he met. He was generous and gave of himself 1000%. I recommend people read these tributes. It is a testament to living life spontaneously, impulsively and to shine forth our own gifts without the resistance of ego.

Life is beautiful when we learn to love unconditionally.

That is what I get from all of Wayne’s books, tapes and quotes, and also from A Course In Miracles, Yogananda and Christ Consciousness. Love is the answer, the kind of love unhindered by competition, grievances and unforgivenesses.

Love as Jesus loved. We can adapt his Gospel of Love for ourselves, without needing anyone’s approval to do so.

Love as Yogananda and Ramana Maharshi loved. Love as my dog loves. That would be enough to fill the whole wide world and beyond.

To love as my dog loves requires some training. That is the only kind of dog training I believe in.

For instance, teaching her to meditate when we meditate, telling her all the time how beautiful she is and what a good dog she is; teaching her to kiss and lie down on my lap – that last one is the most difficult because Pearlie likes to be by herself, most likely because she was a feral dog.

Love love love. That’s all there is. That’s where all the babies come from and that’s where they go when they die.

Life is beautiful when we learn to love unconditionally.


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Our Gifts To The World- Podcast 246

“The blossom vanishes of itself as the fruit grows – so will your lower self vanish as the divine grows within you. ”

This quote says it all. This is our only function, purpose and mission in this lifetime. We need only choose the vehicle in which to offer our gift to the world.

For me, this blog, these prayer prescriptions and podcast, is the vehicle.

Extending kindness and cheerfulness in all other activities is another.

Serving all of god’s creatures is another.

Know that at the core of my being and yours, we are Divine Love. I discover the core of Being through prayer and meditation. I discover there is no separation from the higher intelligence which created us all.

Self-realization is the only authentic freedom.


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meditate simplify pray- podcast 245

I have been immersing myself in the works of Wayne W Dyer. One thing he repeated over and over again is when you contemplate the conditions you think is missing in your life, it’s like saying God’s plan is wrong. What frequency are you generating in your life? If you make a concerted effort to plug into the divine frequency that created everything, you automatically will go from an ordinary to an extraordinary consciousness experience.

See goodness and beauty everywhere, by first of all seeing goodness and beauty inside your own soul. Drop the dualities. See the unity in everything. Hear the silence which is the sound of God, because by meditating on our divine creator at all times, profound silence results.

That is God.

Depend on the spark of creation that motivates our creativity and originality.
Listen to the music that harmonizes the soul.

Meditate simplify and pray.

Tune into the energy that is radiating vibrations everywhere. Choose those that make you feel joy and productivity. 
What are people around you talking about? Do not accept or agree with it when people emphasize what is missing in their lives. You’ll be doing both of you a favor.

Hang out in nature. Commune with the animals. They are our harmony barometers. Be in silence and meditate with them. My dog Ulysses would make a beeline to the meditation room every day. Now my dog Pearlie is doing the same thing.

If we taught every child how to meditate, in as little as one generation, there wouldn’t be any more war. That is with the Dalai Lama says, and I firmly believe this to be true.

Let go and surrender to the truth of your existence. 


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True Love-Naked Truths Interview

The book Naked Truths by Alex Gruenberg reminds us to contemplate the meaning of love, the true meaning of Love.

Love thy neighbor as thyself. The question is, how much do you love yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Very few of us do, resulting in pornography, sexual abuse, self hatred. 

Love is about becoming strong, allowing those we love to be free.

Forgive thy neighbor as thyself. How much are we forgiving the people in our lives? By forgiving others, suddenly we see we have forgiven ourselves.

The characters in Alex’s book are in a position to love and forgive themselves. They make great strides in achieving what the Divine expects of us. This is what we are here to do. This is our great heroic mission on this earth.

I have no idea if the conversation will go in this direction, but I just had to say it!

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Kate Loving Shenk on BlogTalkRadio


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Waking up- Podcast 244

I was meditating to one of Diana Lang’s meditations on Sound Cloud, and something she said struck me.
She said sometimes a person goes to sleep because miracles, like birth or death are not appearing in that person’s experience.
Then I thought about all the births I am privileged and have been privileged to attend these last 13 years.

I am saddened to see nurses who become jaded by these experiences: birth, the joy of communing with patients, death, the miracle of life in all its gory details.

Why do I continue doing what I do? Birth confronts the great mystery of life. Where do these beings come from, what will their lives be like? How will these beings survive all the sorrows and joys in this lifetime?

In reality, each of us lives many lifetimes in this seemingly one lifetime we find ourselves in, now.

Who I was a 20 is now a figment of my imagination.

Yet my soul remains changeless, eternal and intact.
“Your own Self-realization 
is the greatest service you
can render the world.”
–Ramana Maharshi

This is the key to living the great mystery of birth, death and everything in between.

Who am I? Who are you?

The answer to these questions heals our separation with the great divine intelligence who created everything we see, experience and love in this reality.

This is what today’s Podcast is all about.



Dean Shrock PhD on Kate Loving’s Radio Show

WhyLoveHealsBookCoverDean Shrock PhD was on my radio show, author of Why Love Heals.

Love is the reason for everything yet is denied by many. Feeling loved and cared for is as effective as chemotherapy and radiation. The Pharmaceutical Companies don’t accept Love nor do most Allopathic Practitioners.

Consumers are changing all of this. Consumers are seeking larger answers to the greatest questions life offers us everyday, every moment.

Illness, after all, is the Soul’s way of getting our attention. We need not identify with illness, but free ourselves from it through the Divine and Pure Energy of Unconditional Love.

Listen in!!

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Kate Loving Shenk on BlogTalkRadio